Community Policing and Accountability at Station Level
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- In Publications, Research
- by Millicent Maroga
This report provides a brief overview of some of the literature on police accountability in democracies. In particular it highlights the importance of accountability being concerned with both police performance (i.e. service delivery) and conduct (i.e. behavior and discipline). Moreover, it presents the argument that in democracies police accountability needs to be exercised by a variety of structures that exist in three key areas.
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Millicent Maroga
Millicent Maroga is a former CSVR Researcher. She completed her undergraduate and honors degree at the former Rand Afrikaans University, now known as the University of Johannesburg and completed her Master’s Degree in globalization and development at the University of Manchester through the Nelson Mandela scholarship.
- February 2, 2004
- Tags: Criminal Justice, Policing