Double Jeopardy: Women Migrants and Refugees in South Africa

On the 11th of May 2008, South Africa was shaken by the outbreak of a wave of violence characterized by an intensity and fierceness previously unknown in this young democracy and reminiscent of apartheid bloodshed. This edition of Perspectives aims to investigate what precipitated this massive outbreak of violence  , were these attacks truly spontaneous ? How did dimensions of gender – and South Africa's high levels of gender based violence – play out in this tragedy and how did the violence impact on female migrants in particular. This report also explores the means by which future outbreaks of violence could be prevented, and processes of social integration enhanced.


Vincent Williams

Vincent Williams is a freelance facilitator and researcher for various institutions and organizations. His work revolves around migration policy and research work, mostly on continental and global levels.

Natalie Jaynes

Natalie Jaynes is Director - Learning and grant making at Open Society Foundations. She holds a B.Th. in Theology from the University of Pretoria and a MPhil justice and transformation, Political philosophy.

Zoe Nkongolo

Zoe Nkongolo is the director of Unite Africa, a human rights and youth empowerment organization that works with citizens, refugees and migrants to prevent conflicts, enhance social cohesion and promote socio-economic development.