Ending the Age of the Marginal Majority

As part of its focus on human security, the Southern Africa Trust has sought to understand the extent of youth violence and crime in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, as well as the underlying or contributing factors that can explain the levels of youth violence. To this end, it commissioned research on the extent and drivers of youth violence and the possible interventions that might be necessary to deal with this and related challenges, within a holistic understanding of the issue. The research involved a review of literature pertaining to youth and violence in the SADC, as well as a fieldwork component, which sought to assess youth violence in more detail within five selected countries – the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.


Lauren Graham

​Lauren is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA). She is a trained development sociologist with a PhD from the Sociology Department at the University of Johannesburg

David Bruce

David Bruce is a Johannesburg-based independent researcher and writer working in the fields of policing, crime and criminal justice. He obtained his Master's Degree Public and Development Management and Bachelor's Degree Bachelor of Arts with majors in Legal Theory and Industrial Sociology from The University of the Witwatersrand.



Helene Perold

Helene Perold has worked in education, media and youth and community development for more than 35 years. As a strategic planner, facilitator, researcher and evaluator, she has primarily worked in South Africa but also has had assignments in Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Madagascar, Mozamibique, and Namibia.