First Continental Transitional Justice Forum: The State of Transitional Justice in Africa

This report is a reflection of the inaugural three-day Continental Forum on Transitional Justice that was organized by the Department of Political Affairs of the African Union Commission and the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 19–21 October 2017. The objective of the Forum was to create a platform to discuss transitional justice in Africa, to shape the discourse on transitional justice and to take stock of the developments in transitional justice thus far. The Forum reflected on African approaches to transitional justice, with participants deliberating on the current gaps in the design and delivery of transitional justice in Africa. The various stakeholders exchanged learnings and discussed the successes and shortcomings in their conceptualization and implementation of transitional justice. In light of the multiplicity of actors in the transitional justice space in Africa, participants deliberated on how to practically enhance collaboration on the continent.


CTJF-The state of transitional justice in Africa 2017