

At CSVR, the Gender Programme integrates gender justice into every aspect of our work. With over 30 years of experience challenging exclusionary practices and violence we've made gender transformation a cornerstone of our approach. We recognize that gender transformation is not just a standalone initiative – it's woven into everything we do, from research and advocacy to trauma-informed mental health and psychosocial support. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion drives us to ensure that women, girls, boys, men, and gender non-conforming individuals are considered at every stage of our interventions.

Our twin-track approach to gender transformation is grounded in a nuanced understanding of diversity. Here's how it works:

Mainstreaming Gender:

We integrate gender across all our programs and projects, guided by our strategic framework. This means assessing and addressing the impact of our interventions on diverse gender groups throughout the project lifecycle.

Targeted Actions:

Informed by a Gender Transformative perspective, we design interventions tailored to the needs of marginalized groups. Whether it is women, children, LGBTQI+ communities, or people with disabilities, our initiatives are responsive to diverse realities and experiences.

CSVR integrates its gender expertise into its interventions
and advocacy work across various forums.

Specific work on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) includes:

  1. We seek to understand the lived realities of victims/survivors to develop interventions that will prevent future occurrence of GBV.
  2. We work with NGOs and CBOs to coordinate efforts and ensure holistic support to victims/survivors of GBV.

Specific work on Women's Empowerment

  1. CSVR support empowerment networks which provide spaces for women in all their diversity to share experiences, support and empower themselves and each other
  2. Facilitating a series of "healing and empowerment circles" to unpack, engage with and identify learning and ways forward in relation to the identified issues.

Designing and implementing capacity-building workshops and trainings for organisations:

  1. CSVR contributes to the strengthening of individual and institutional capacity to design gender-transformative responses.
  2. Familiarised stakeholders with tools and concepts related to the design, monitoring and evaluation of gender-sensitive interventions

Gender Staff

Liezelle Kumalo

Gender Programme Manager

Naledi Joyi

Gender Officer

Athini Magodla

Gender Fellow

Lindokuhle Malambe

Gender Assistant

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