Scorecard on the Localisation of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide

Recognising the need to track the progress of the implementation of the NSP-GBVF and to document community centred approaches to addressing GBVF. CSVR developed a scorecard to assess the localisation of the NSP-GBVF. The scorecard also mapped community awareness of gender-based violence services across South Africa's gender-based violence hotspots. The broader objective of the research undertaken to develop the scorecard was to understand the intersections between lived realities, experiences and needs of community members, and to inform community based and community-informed GBVF prevention strategies.

The survey is structured according to the six pillars of the NSP-GBVF and the questions assess the extent of progress made through existing interventions in each community. It also examines the kind of information that communities and individuals have about the NSP's objectives.

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