Symbolic Reparations: A Fractured Opportunity

The following report is primarily a discussion document that seeks to record some of the initiatives that government, communities and civil society have engaged upon with regards to memorialization initiatives. In documenting these initiatives, the report highlights some of the challenges and successes that major stakeholders face, as well as the needs of victims and communities around memorialization processes.


Ereshnee Naidu

Ereshnee Naidu is an expert on peace building, social and transitional justice. She is currently the Senior Program Director for the Global Transitional Justice Initiative, New York.  She earned her Bachelor of Arts and two Masters of Arts degrees from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, the first in Dramatic Arts (1998) and the second in Forced Migration Studies (2004). She subsequently earned her PhD in Sociology from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.