The Police That We Want: A Handbook For Oversight of Police in South Africa

This handbook is intended as a resource for people involved in police oversight in South Africa, It may also be adapted for use in other contexts where reforms aim to bring policing in line with democratic principles. The overall purpose of the handbook is to stimulate reflection on key questions regarding police and policing, and to suggest the type of information likely to be most helpful in answering those questions.


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David Bruce

David Bruce is a Johannesburg-based independent researcher and writer working in the fields of policing, crime and criminal justice. He obtained his Master's Degree Public and Development Management and Bachelor's Degree Bachelor of Arts with majors in Legal Theory and Industrial Sociology from The University of the Witwatersrand.



Rachel Neild

Rachel Neild is Division Director at Open Society Justice Initiative. She holds a MIA Human rights and international law from the Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and BA English literature and philosophy from the The University of Manchester.