Towards an Anti-Corruption Strategy for SAPS Area Johannesburg

The aim of this document is to present suggestions that could become part of an anticorruption strategy for the South African Police Services (SAPS) Area Johannesburg. The ideas presented in this paper have been documented in much of the literature on dealing with police corruption. None of them are 'fool proof' and all would need careful consideration before being operationalised to make sure that they have the desired affect.


Gareth Newham

Gareth Newham is the former Senior Project manager at the criminal justice program at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR). He obtained his Masters in Management, Public and Development Management from The University of the Witwatersrand, Post-Graduate Diploma in Applied Research Methodology Social Sciences from The Stellenbosch University and his Honours in Political Studies Social Sciences from The University of Cape Town.